Becoming neurocurious
This week (13th – 19th March 2023) is Neurodiversity Celebration Week. This is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences, whilst providing opportunities to recognise the many talents and advantages of being neurodivergent.
As a Trust we are on a learning journey around the subject of neurodiversity. We want to better support, and learn from, our neurodivergent friends, family and colleagues. This includes all staff having neurodiversity awareness training by Genius Within, a neurodivergent-led and owned Community Interest Company (CIC).
At the start of the week, we held an informal celebration event where we chatted about what Neurodiversity Celebration Week is, and what it means to us. We had some great discussions, talked about the different definitions we use when talking about neurodiversity and we felt encouraged to be ‘neurocurious’.
Some of the Barnwood staff team have given their thoughts on what Neurodiversity Celebration Week means to them.
“For me, Neurodiversity Celebration Week shines a light on so many different neurodivergent experiences. We all approach tasks in different ways which leads to a brilliant range of ideas and perspectives. I love working within a neurodiverse team — there is so much to gain, and I have so much to learn.“
“Neurodiversity Celebration Week feels important because being part of a society and workforce where value is placed on having executive functioning skills isn’t easy for me. When I discovered I was neurodivergent as an adult, I finally understood myself — I just process life differently. Now that I know this, I would like others to understand it too.“
“I think there needs to be more awareness of how neurodivergence affects women and girls. The data is there, but awareness amongst health and education professionals is sorely lacking.“
“Neurodiversity Celebration Week has made me think about some things I take for granted, and how I can show more compassion to people around me. We don’t always know what’s going on for people, so asking what I can do differently to make a meeting easier for example, is just a good thing to do.“
We appreciate all the engagement we have had during this Neurodiversity Celebration Week, especially the comments we have had across our social media channels. We have taken these away and they will feed into our work.
We welcome more conversations on this subject — if you would like to talk to us, please contact the Engagement Team on talktous@barnwoodtrust.org freephone 0800 422 0404 or text/whats app on 07519 325601