Image of inside pages of the Our Changing World report

Covid-19 Pandemic research

During 2020 and 2021, the Insights team conducted research to help understand how the Covid-19 pandemic was impacting on disabled people and people with mental health challenges in Gloucestershire and the organisations that support them.

The following reports were produced from this research:

Our Changing World

Front cover of Our Changing World report


The Our Changing World report documents the findings of our research into the experiences of disabled people and people with mental health challenges between April and June 2020. The findings led to a series of recommendations for actions to help address the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on disabled people and people with mental health challenges.

Further details of the Our Changing World study, including reports and recommendations, can be found here.




Covid-19 and the VCS in Gloucestershire

Image shows a map of Glos with the title Covid-19 and VCS Organisations in Gloucestershire


We undertook two intelligence gathering exercises (in March-April 2020 and August-September 2021) to gain insights into how the pandemic was impacting on VCS organisations in Gloucestershire. The first of these exercises sought to identify the challenges the organisations, and their beneficiaries, were facing, what organisations were doing to adapt and respond to the crisis, and the support the organisations needed.

The second follow-up study was to gain up to date intelligence about the situation for VCS organisations in Gloucestershire, with the aim of gathering information that could inform funders’ approach to supporting organisations. A series of recommendations for ways in which funders could help VCS organisations to continue to support their beneficiaries have been drawn from this intelligence.

Further details of this research, and reports on the findings, can be found here.


Resourcing Resilient Gloucestershire

Photo of the front page of the Resourcing Resilient Gloucestershire research report


In early 2021, we also conducted research into the community response to the pandemic in Gloucestershire. This study helped us to develop our understanding of what contributes to community resilience, how communities can increase their resilience to future crises and the ways in which communities could be resourced more effectively.

The findings of this research, and a series of recommendations based on them, are documented in the Resourcing Resilient Gloucestershire Report. We have been sharing this report widely, to help ensure that crucial community-based networks of support are available for the benefit of disabled people and people with mental health challenges.

Further details of community response research, and reports on the findings, can be found here.


If you would like more information about the Trust’s research into the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, please contact Kate Kent (Lead Researcher) at or 01242 539935